
  • Workout & Aerobics

    Workout & Aerobics

    Rekabetçi kurumsal iÅŸ, çalışanları doÄŸrudan veya dolaylı olarak stres, endiÅŸe ve bir dizi hastalığa neden olan yönetilebilir saatlerin ötesinde çalışmaya zorlamaktadır. Hindistan'da bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıklar nedeniyle meydana gelen %34,4 ölümden kanser, diyabet ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklar tek başına %80 civarında ölüme neden olmaktadır. Bu tür istatistiklerle Hindistan'daki ÅŸirketler, uzun vadede saÄŸlıksız iÅŸ gücünün ÅŸirketin performansı için birçok sorun yaratacağını zaten fark ettiler.

    Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki ÅŸirketler, çalışanların saÄŸlıklı olmasını ve verimliliÄŸin en üst düzeyde olmasını saÄŸlamak için çalışanlarını farklı saÄŸlık programlarına katılmaya teÅŸvik ediyor. Ayrıca,  herhangi bir saÄŸlık sorununu ileri bir aÅŸamaya gelmeden önce belirlemek için güvenilir saÄŸlık ÅŸirketleri aracılığıyla yöneticilere düzenli saÄŸlık kontrolü sunarlar  .

    Antrenman yapmak

    Bu program kapsamında, çalışanlar dünya çapında çok sayıda fitness merkezine özel eriÅŸim elde ediyor. Ayrıca zaman kısıtlaması da yoktur. Spor salonu ve kulüplerin zamanını programınıza göre seçebilirsiniz. Bu fitness merkezleri sadece spor salonuna indirimli eriÅŸim saÄŸlamakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda spa ve diÄŸer saÄŸlıklı yaÅŸam alanlarına da eriÅŸim saÄŸlıyor.

    Canlı Egzersizin Faydaları

    • Çalışanlar dünyanın her yerindeki spor salonlarına vb. eriÅŸebilir
    • Daha iyi saÄŸlık, daha iyi üretkenlik anlamına gelir
    • Bu tür tesisler ÅŸirketler için güven faktörünü artırıyor
    • Çalışma ortamındaki stres düzeylerinin yönetimi
    • Azalmış devamsızlık
    • SaÄŸlık harcamalarında azalma
    • Çalışanların moral ve benlik saygısının artması


    Günümüz dünyasında, ÅŸirketin çıkarları için kendini adamış bir iÅŸ gücüne sahip olmak zorunludur. Bu ancak ÅŸirketin çalışanlara iyi bir saÄŸlık hizmeti sunması ile mümkündür. SaÄŸlık hizmeti, Workforce ÅŸirket kontrolleriyle sınırlı    kalmamalı, aynı zamanda çalışanlar için fiziksel uygunluk rejimlerini de içermelidir  . Canlı antrenman, çalışanlara stresli çalışma programı arasında bir mola verir ve daha iyi çalışmak için çalışanların zihninin tazelenmesine yardımcı olur.


    Aerobik seansları, çalışan sayısı, müsait saat ve diÄŸer faktörlere göre ÅŸirketin ihtiyacına göre düzenlenebilir.

    Aerobik seansları faydaları  daha beklediÄŸinizden daha bulunmaktadır. Bu seanslar sadece stres atmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda esnekliÄŸi artırmaya, duruÅŸları iyileÅŸtirmeye ve vücuttaki toksinleri azaltmaya yardımcı olur. Bu seanslar, çalışanların egzersiz yardımıyla stresten kurtulmalarına ve rahatlamalarına yardımcı olur. Bu seanslarda kendilerini ne kadar çok şımartırlarsa, gelecekte daha iyi üretkenlik beklenebilir.


    Aerobik seansları ÅŸirketin ihtiyacına göre günlük, iki günde bir veya hafta sonları düzenlenebilir. Bu oturumlar, çalışanların gücüne ve mevcut alana baÄŸlı olarak kampüs içinde ve dışında düzenlenebilir.


    Çalışanlarınıza yönelik canlı egzersiz ve aerobik seçenekleri için,  eksiksiz çözüm için lütfen  Bize Ulaşın .


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  • Diet & Nutrition

    Diet & Nutrition

    Executive wellness programs which include the diet and nutrition counseling programs help companies to improve the health of the employees so that they can lead a happier life and form a more productive team at the office. The focus of these programs remains exclusively on the health of the employees, which enhance the lifestyle and provide them the feeling of wellbeing. It also strengthens the bond between the employer and the employees.

    The Workshops

    The companies like COWIN Health Plus help in organizing special diet and nutrition-based workshops for the small as well as large enterprises, which are dedicated to offer better health to their employees. These workshops concentrate on the individual diet requirements based on the work they do as a team. The experts in these workshops not only provide information about the better diet and nutrition but also help in sustaining that plan in the longer run.

    Diet and Stress Management

    In today’s time, stress has become an unavoidable part of the corporate life. This unwanted stress because of the work pressure and stringent deadlines often create many additional health problems. Certain diets can also help in reducing the stress level.

    Diet and Weight Management

    Obesity is another serious problem among many employees which is due to unhealthy eating habits like irregular diet and junk food during the work hours. In addition to this, prolonged sitting at your workspace is one of the major reasons for obesity in the employees in almost every sector. The specially designed weight management workshops are often helpful in reducing the chances of diseases associated with obesity.

    Timely intervention and expert guidance would help to increase productivity and keep the workforce fit. Contact Us to avail a customized service for your organization.

  • Health & Wellness

    Health & Wellness

    The stress level in today’s corporate world is causing many health troubles amongst the employees. In the past few years, the deadlines have shrunk to a point where there is no room for personal time in the employee’s life. This overwhelming situation is one of the major causes of non-communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.javascript:nicTemp();

    For any company, factory or an establishment of any size, it is important to have a health care plan for their employees like corporate health check & employee wellness programs. Companies like COWIN Health Plus offer special Health and Wellness Talks, which enable the employees to get back on the track on a healthy lifestyle. These talks or sessions are available for companies, educational institutes, non-profit organizations and other institutes as well.

    The main goal of these sessions is to educate, motivate, empower and enlighten the employees as well as the management of the companies about the health challenges they could face in their daily lives.

    The Health and Wellness talks include sessions about the consciousness of the employees’ overall health and physical fitness, which equates to lesser absenteeism and better productivity. It helps in reducing stress and allows the employees to become more creative with the work.

    Every day we make 100s of different choices, which impact our daily life and even the future. A small mistake or wrong step taken towards an unhealthy lifestyle can have catastrophic results in the longer run. It is essential for the employees to understand that they have to find some time for themselves so that they can live a longer and healthier life. With the reduced stress, the employees and the management can produce better results even in the shorter span of time.

    Write to us if you wish to arrange special talk sessions for your team, our executive will get back to you at the earliest.

    <p><a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Şınbırı</a></p>

    <p><a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Zımbırı</a></p>

    <p><a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Arabi</a></p>

    <p><a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Zımbırıt</a></p>

  • Stress Management

    Stress Management

    With the increasing levels of anxiety, stress, and burden of shrinking deadlines, corporate wellness programs along which includes stress management workshops play a pivotal role for leaders, managers and staff members.

    The specialist teachers guide the employees’ different techniques to reduce the work stress in order to improve the health and wellbeing. The management work is full of stress and anxiety which if left untreated can add up to a lot of restlessness and other health issues. It is an important part of the program to bring the entire team under one roof so that they can work collaboratively as a happy and productive family. If it is not possible for your company to send in the team to us, we have specially designed programs to fulfill the requirements on your campus as well.

    The stress at the corporate environment can bring the employees down at some point in the day. These training programs can help the team in tackling the situations calmly and increase the productivity by several folds. Even a small session can bring a positive change in the employees’ mind-set.

    It does not matter what is your position in the company, if you are a corporate executive, a sales representative; stress will find its way to create havoc in your life. Thus, it is important to control it, in the initial phase itself, to relieve the anxiety and feel better about the future.

    The Benefits of the Stress Management Workshops-

    • The session brings positivity amongst the employees
    • Boosts the confidence creating awareness about their strengths
    • Helps to improve concentration which further increases productivity
    • Enhanced ability to think clearly
    • Improves mental and physical health


    If you wish to know more about stress management programs, please Contact Us. 

  • Yoga Sessions

    Yoga Sessions

    In the modern lifestyle, workplace stress comes as a package deal. Though most of us enjoy our jobs, the associated health issues often make our lives miserable. Long working hours, the pressure of higher productivity, and uncertainty of the competitive world is making the life stressful and miserable with each passing day.

    The nervous system of the body reacts to the demands of our lifestyle, which results in stress. In the past, when the civilization was not advanced, such reaction of the nervous system was important to manage the dangerous situations. The adrenaline rush served us well that time but now in the office environment, the rush causes serious pressure and stress as there is no way to neutralize this effect. The saturated biochemical levels often pose threat to the overall health of the workforce.

    In such situations, the first question that comes to our mind is what can be done to neutralize these stress levels at the workplace. Provide yoga for executive is one of the best ways that can help in reducing workplace stress.

    Benefits of Yoga-

    • Yoga helps in reducing back pain, neck and shoulder pain, which are some of the common workplace problems faced by most of us.
    • Yoga helps to reduce aggression and hostility.
    • Practicing yoga regularly creates positivity
    • Yoga is an overall health booster and hence aids in significantly reducing the absenteeism.

    COWIN Health Plus that provides yoga sessions in corporate wellness program based on the requirements of the company. These sessions can be done on the daily basis, during the break time, or after the office hours. These yoga sessions not only help in reducing the stress levels but also help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you have any questions about yoga sessions provided by us, please Contact Us to know more.

  • Zumba Workout

    Zumba Workout

    In every office workspace, let it be a large or a smaller enterprise, there are a lot of health issues associated with the lifestyle. Long working hours, irregular diets, stress, and pressure of deadlines can make anyone stressed. There are many ways to blow off the steam and reduce stress at the workspace. Organizations like COWIN Health Plus help enterprises to create a special positive and a stress-free environment where employees, as well as management, can indulge themselves in different physical exercises.

    Zumba is a dance form, which is considered one of the best stress busters for employees as well as a perfect workout regime. Those who are not comfortable with the machines in the gym will find Zumba a fun way to reduce stress and also shed some extra pounds. Zumba helps in toning overall body structure and reduces the pressure on joints as well. Overall, this is the perfect way to get your workforce in shape.

    The sessions that are offered include Zumba sessions depending on the time available to the employees. Either you can choose to send the employees to our establishment or hire our instructors to visit your workplace and provide Zumba sessions at the time of your choice. These sessions are conducted under the supervision of Zumba experts who are well versed in the dance regime.

    There are people with some health issues who are not allowed to dance or who cannot consider dance as a workout. For those employees, we can arrange other easy and convenient options like Yoga. The main aim of such sessions is to reduce stress and increase the mobility of the body so that the overall health benefits can be achieved. In the longer run, such sessions help in increasing the productivity and make the office environment a happy place to work at.

    If you plan to arrange Zumba sessions along with corporate wellness program for your employees, do Contact Us to discuss it ahead.

Popular Health Check Packages


  • Pre-Test Condition Nothing Special
  • Report Availability Daily
  • Test Parameter(s) 50


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  • Test Parameter(s) 80


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Special Offers


  • Pre-Test Condition No Condition
  • Report Availability Daily
  • Test Parameter(s) 56


  • Pre-Test Condition Overnight Fasting
  • Report Availability Daily
  • Test Parameter(s) 5


  • Pre-Test Condition No special
  • Report Availability Daily
  • Test Parameter(s) 54


  • Pre-Test Condition No special
  • Report Availability Daily
  • Test Parameter(s) 4