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Corporate Health Check
Why Need A Corporate Health Check?
Odd hours of working and an almost non-existent social life creates stress
on individuals. However, the ways adopted for coping with stress, viz.,
smoking, binge eating and binge drinking, create further stress on the body and
mind. The result is hypertension / high blood pressure, overweight and obesity,
etc. which lead to further complications like diabetes, heart diseases or
cancers. Such conditions lead to a sick workforce and increased absenteeism.
Customized Corporate Check - Impact on Corporate
Sector, A Survey Based Report (2009) by ASSOCHAM reveals that-
- 70% correlation exists between age of employee and man-days lost
due to sickness.
- 82% correlation exists between work Experience of the employee and
man-days lost.
- One rupee spent on prevention saves Rs. I33 in absenteeism costs
and Rs. 6.62 in healthcare costs.
The Report of the
Working Group on Disease Burden for 12th Five Year Plan states that "Heart
diseases, stroke and diabetes are projected to increase cumulatively, and India
stands to lose 237 billion dollars during the decade 2005-2015."
While health insurance has its own set of benefits, it does not help the
organization in having a proper understanding of the present health status and
impending health issues of its employees. Corporate employee wellness can be
the much-needed solution that can give the decision-makers a proper insight into
the organization's human resource.